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Linguistics and Grammar Teaching


1. To cover the teaching and research needs of the Departments of the School of Philosophy in the scientific field of Linguistics.

2. To connect the Departments of the NKUA with the respective Departments of Higher Education in Greece and abroad, where similar disciplines are studied and researched.

3. To cooperate with Laboratories, Research Centres and Institutes, relevant public and private institutions.

4. To cooperate with the Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education as well as with the respective school units.

5. To take initiative and set up research projects and programmes in the field of linguistics and its application in education.

6. To develop scientific, research-related, training and educational activities as well as publication of scientific results in journals and collective volumes.

7. To link the University with Greek society through the provision of academic seminars and training.

8. To develop a cooperation with associations and institutions for the promotion of issues related to Linguistics and its application in education.