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Linguistics and Grammar Teaching



25-28 May: 8th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC8), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Focus constructions: A cross-linguistic study of clause and information structure. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).

1-2 December: Conference on “The Greek school today: Discussion and suggestions by the School of Philosophy”, 180 years, NKUA and School of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Linguistics and Language Teaching: The teaching of Grammar in foreign language course books. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].



19-21 April: 39th Annual Meeting of Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The contribution of Theoretical Linguistics in language teaching. (M. Georgiafentis, S. Klidi & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].

1-3 June: 5th International Conference “Crossroads of Languages and Cultures: Languages and cultures at home and at school”, Center of Intercultural and Migration Studies (E.DIA.M.ME.), organised by the Department of Primary Education, University of Crete in collaboration with ‘Polydromo’ (Group for bilingualism and multiculturalism in education and society).  Linguistics and Didactics: Grammar teaching in the language course. (M. Georgiafentis, S. Klidi & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].

9 June: Chalkida Annual Forum for English Language Teachers. Linguistics and Didactics: Grammar in the teaching of English and German as foreign languages. ‘Tsonidis’ Centres for Lifelong Learning / Foreign Language Schools, Conference Hall of Evia Region. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].

24 November: International Workshoporganized by the Department of German Language and Literature in collaboration with the Panhellenic Association of State School Teachers of German “The teaching of German as a Second Foreign Language and its bridging role between multicultural variation and multilingualism” DaF in 1000 Facetten. Deutschunterricht als Brücke zwischen kultureller Vielfalt und Mehrsprachigkeit. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Linguistics and Didactics: Grammar in the teaching of a foreign language. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].



23-25 January: III International Conference on Teaching Grammar, Grup d’Investigació sobre Ensenyament i Aprenentatge de Llengües (GREAL), Grup d’Investigació en Ensenyament de Llengües (GIEL), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Generative Grammar grammar teaching. (M. Georgiafentis, S. Klidi & A. Tsokoglou).

16 March: Workshop on “Linguistics and Grammar Teaching”, Department of English Language and Literature & Department of German Language and Literature. Generative Grammar in teaching. (A. Tsokoglou & M. Georgiafentis) [in Greek].

5-6 April: 40th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Information structure in first and foreign language teaching. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].

13 April: Chalkida Annual Forum for English Language Teachers. Information structure and its teaching in English and German as foreign languages. Tsonidis’ Centres for Lifelong Learning / Foreign Language Schools, Lucy Hotel, Chalkida Evia. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].

5-8 September: 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, University of Patras. Focus structures: A crosslinguistic approach. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].

14-16 November: 6th International Conference on Grammar and Text (GRATO 2019), School of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH), NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal. Information structure in language teaching. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).



30-31 October: Colloque international ‘Approches linguistiques comparatives grec moderne français’, Department of French Language and Literature, NKUA and Laboratoire Sedyl (UMR 8202, INALCO-CNRS, IRD), via Webex. Contrast and information structure: A comparative approach. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].



4 May: e-Seminars, Division of Linguistics, Department of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Information structure: Theoretical approaches and teaching extensions. (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].

6-8 May: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Types of focus in Greek (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek] . 

15-18 September: 15th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The category of contrast in the information structure of Greek - Comparative analysis (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek]. 

10-14 October: International Language Week 2022 (ILW2022) - Athens, "Mapping Crossroads: Cultures, Languages and Literatures", Department of German Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in collaboration with the Institute of Intercultural Communication, University of Aschaffenburg. Information structure in L2 teaching (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).



25-27 January: IV International Conference on Grammar Teaching, Grup d'Investigació en Ensenyament de Llengües (GIEL), University of Valencia, Spain. Information packaging in L1 and L2 teaching (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).

5-7 May: 43rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Markers of information structure (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].

10 May: General Linguistics Colloquium (SoSe 2023), Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany. Greek information structure: Comparative perspectives (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).

14-16 June: XV International Conference on General Linguistics (XV CILG 2023), Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. The category of Contrast in information structure in Greek – a comparative perspective (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).

29 August – 1 September: 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Contrast and Information Structure in Greek – a comparative study (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).

14-17 December: 16th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. On the intonational properties of contrast in Greek (M. Baltazani, M. Georgiafentis, A. Sfakianaki & A. Tsokoglou) [in Greek].



8 May: Bangor Linguistics Circle, Bangor University, Wales. Contrast in Greek – a comparative perspective (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).

9 May: External Seminar Series, University of Reading, UK. Linguistics in Education: Information structure in language teaching (M. Georgiafentis & A. Tsokoglou).