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Linguistics and Grammar Teaching


16th March: Workshop on “Linguistics and Grammar Teaching”, Department of English Language & Literature and Department of German Language & Literature, NKUA.

Description: The workshop on “Linguistics and Grammar Teaching” aims at bringing forward the role of Theoretical Linguistics and the ways in which its findings can be utilised in First and Foreign Language Grammar teaching in primary and secondary education.

Grammar Teaching within the context of Language Teaching continues to be a controversial issue, for which opposing views are often put forward. In the discussion about Grammar, we often draw our attention on the question whether and how Grammar should be taught, aiming at the development of the appropriate methodology, while we ignore the question of what we teach, i.e. the language system itself.

In this workshop, we develop aspects of what we teach, which focus on the choice of the grammatical theory for the description of the language system (e.g. Generative Grammar, Systemic Functional Grammar), on the role of data drawn from language acquisition through empirical research, and the application of principles of linguistic theory on the development of educational material and its implementation in the teaching practice.

The workshop is addressed to those who are involved in education no matter what role they have, but mainly to those who teach the language courses (First or Foreign Language ones) as well as to students and prospective educators.

The talks of the workshop attempt to contribute to the investigation of whether the First and the Foreign Language course can be connected and thus treated as a uniform object of teaching and acquisition/learning as far as the description of the language systems is concerned.